Ride Fast
It has been many days... We dream of noble goals... We dream of big things... We wish to soar... We wish to help... An attempt is not success yet... But we do not get weary of doing what is better... We ride and ride fast but then we have stumbled... What shall we do then? Lie there... stay there and build a house and have are own family... No! That is an easy option for us... But then we choose the best one, we stand up! Dust ourselves off! Fix our bike and choose to ride again till we ride fast again - back on track! We hold on together, speak and help one another. We are at work in progress and not perfect yet. It is only through these imperfections we shall interact and help one another. Only through these imperfections we shall bind as one. We wish to achieve noble goals but we are challenged by the situation. What shall we do then - let us keep the spirit alive! We choose to forgive and forsake what is behind and focus our goal on what lies ahead - For the Batch, for our lives, for our own families and for our nation.
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